How to Submit Essays

Please share your ideas on Occupy and transparency, use of cameras, live streams.

Essays: Each author gets one page of any length. Submissions are not edited; if not suited, author is given a chance to revise. Words and youtube videos allowed. Must use real name as author. You can also give your twitter handle if it relates to a real person.  Entries must not contain indecent language, defamation, slurs. Author names will appear in list. Send essay in body of an email or as word.doc or google doc. 

Spelling: Please check spelling and grammar.  These will stay how you submit them. 

Photo jpegs and youtube videos: If you send photos (jpegs only please) or youtube videos, mark clearly where in the essay they are to be placed.   Please only use photos that you have the right to use and please give credits.    

Photo for top of your page:  If you have can, please include a jpeg for the top of your page.  This will make your page look better and will also create better-looking links on facebook and elsewhere. If you do not submit a photo, one will be carefully selected for your page.

Short Bio:  Please include a short bio at the end of your essay.  You can include a photo of yourself if you like.  Your bio can say what you want it to say.  You can include a link to your twitter, blog, website, etc., if you like.

Please email essays to: